Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday hate, unicycle soreness, mediocre pale ale

I gotta be up front with this, I hate Sundays. For most folks it is a day off filled with charity bike rides, lawn care, or just lazing about because all your other chores got completed Saturday. For me they're really just another work day, but they shouldn't be, I'm only at work four hours. The problem is that I'm there from 1-5 pm, and we're almost always super busy. But you'd say, "Mark, you have all the time before work to get out and ride/do stuff, and you're off and 5, which is earlier than most weekdays." And you'd be technically correct. Some how Sundays feel like a full day of work, with not so full day pay. Aside from the business, working most the afternoon totally kills your day. Anything done in the morning has to be started early, finished early, and cannot be terribly ambitious. Everything attempted in the evening must be done after an exhausting time of work, and usually gets passed up in favor of beers and cartoons. Sure I often go on rides before work, but not always, and this morning in particular the weather was damp and crummy, but this afternoon was sunny and overall quite pleasant. I could ride now, but I'm worn out from work and waiting for my wife to call me and tell me what's up with dinner and everything. She's home now, by the way.

They had to cut their tour a bit short because of some infected (for lack of a better term) saddle sores, and she was instructed by a doctor to take 4-5 days off the bike, and when you have 7-8 days left in a tour, pulling the plug is probably the best plan. Now she and her traveling companion/friend are out doing things. I'm awaiting a signal on the plan for what we're doing for dinner tonight.

Yesterday I rode a unicycle a surprisingly long was in the Summerfest parade in Ankeny. Summerfest is like every other small-ish town festival except Ankeny has no culture to celebrate, no founding ethnic heritage to promote, nothing save for strip malls and chain restaurants, so they've decided that celebrating summer itself is the next best thing. Anyhoo, the parade always a good time of riding a unicycle around and throwing fist fulls of candy to/at children. Today I'm pretty sore. I don't unicycle much/at all any more and hence, all the little helper muscles that get used while riding one are woefully out of shape and hurt a bit today.

Picked up a beer label as an "extra pale ale" figuring there'd be boatloads of hops, but i was disappointed. James Page (a division of Point brewing) is generally a good value, and their Voyager Extra Pale Ale would be no exception, save for the word "extra." Not that it isn't a solid pale mind you, but with the word extra, I want huge hoppy flavor bursting forth in all directions and breakneck speed. Only Cascade hops and a paltry 33 IBUs? This qualifies as extra anything? James Page, you guys need to man up and at least double that number. Plus more hop varieties would be excellent and would round out the flavor. Not horrible, just not as good as it should be. 6/10.

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