Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snowy commute, a fun photo, and thoughts on beer related things

This is me post commute. Note the build up of snow on the edges of my goggles. I had to wipe them off 5-6 times in the course of my commute. Never had to do that much "upkeep" on the goggles during a ride, huge, sticky flakes were no good for visibility. March weather is terrible and unpredictable, tonight was no exception. Big, soft, wet, flakes mixed with a tiny bit of rain, a little breeze, and a surprisingly warm temperature. Temps were around 32F for much for the evening, and are predicted to stay there overnight. Hell, it's still snowing and 1-3 inches is predicted. With any luck the ground will stay warm and everything will melt right off, or at least keep the roads clear. I'm already half planning a ride along the High Trestle Trail for tomorrow depending on weather and my motivational levels.

That right there is a cut away SRAM Red cassette. Our rep stopped by with a case containing the new SRAM Red Black group, and while it looks sharp(and maybe better than the current, mostly grey color), it isn't functionally any different, and the part I'm still enamored with is the cassette. A single piece of steel machined out to make a cone of awesome that makes a bike go, freakin' great. Sadly, it is also very expensive, but cool as hell nonetheless.

I'm currently enjoying the hell out of another Hopslam. This beer is so good. Smooth yet bitter, hoppy but not overpowering. The smell is probably the biggest attraction for me. I wish someone made a perfume that smelled like this beer, it would definitely attract me, if not other men. And I am clearly the only man women need to worry about attracting. Someone get on that. I've also currently got a Bourbon Barrel Quad (or BBQ as the kids call it) in the fridge chillin'. This is one of my all time favorite beers, and Boulevard has graciously made it a seasonal of sorts in their Smokestack series. I'll do a full review when I get a chance, but short version: if you see it, buy it, and if you don't like it, I'll punch you in the dick.


  1. I had a BBQ awhile back and didn't particularly like it. Dickpunch?

  2. Just finished a tallgrass Buffalo sweat and an Abrasive. My night is good.

  3. I just read my first MarkBlog! Never mind the fact that I suck at life and have never read the others (I'm a bad person). Things I learned Today:

    1.)Mark rides his bike through anything. My bike collects year round dust. I should be ashamed.

    2.) I am un-edjumakated enough to know what a SRAM is.

    3.) In comparison to Mark, I drink really low quality, crumby beer. I should be ashamed.

    I think I will go into a corner, curl up in a ball and cry now. Nicely done Mark!
